
‘Bring back Blockbuster’: Wycombe man wants store to make a comeback

‘Bring back Blockbuster’: Wycombe man wants store to make a comeback

Tom Lee, 42, who lives in Berkshire but grew up near High Wycombe, said he had been “hypothetically” floating the idea of purchasing franchisee rights to Blockbuster from current owners Dish Network LLC and opening a store in the town.

“I’ve always liked the idea of bringing back the experience of going to a store to share, discuss and discover new films and shows with actual people.

“You could have a seating area or even booths that seat four or five people to watch a film together.”

He added that was a fan of independent start-ups that have appeared around High Wycombe over the last few years – including community boardgame store TableTop Republic in the town’s high street.

“I love the idea of paying a flat fee to rent a table and then picking from a wide array of boardgames to play with your friends.

“It really feels like the town centre is coming alive again, and anything that gets people out of their houses to gather and converse must be a good thing!”

The communal aspect of a revived Blockbuster store would be an important motivator, in Tom’s mind, and potentially the basis for expansive services.

“If Blockbuster were to come back, it would need to be more than just a movie rental outlet – it would need to be a destination where people could meet and hang out to discuss their favourite films, like a book club!”

He added that the idea had occurred to him partially because of his previous job in the former Our Price Records store in the Eden Centre, a shopfront now owned by HMV.

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“I still have fond memories of recommending music and films to Wycombe’s loyal media enthusiasts, but the idea was really just me thinking aloud.

“I don’t currently have any plans to make it a reality myself – but maybe I’ve planted that seed in someone else’s mind.”

Tom also shared his idea in a High Wycombe Facebook group, with some commenters expressing their support and willingness to become members of such an enterprise, and others weighing in more doubtfully.

Sophie Silverstone Grant said: “I would like to see a strong collection of critically acclaimed movies or film festival favourites that are more niche and didn’t necessarily hit mainstream platforms – these would be worth regular visits to a Blockbuster in High Wycombe.”

However, Roxy Freedom added: “I love the idea but realistically, I think people love their conveniences now and everyone is too busy to go to yet another shop to browse for movies and entertainment when they can whatever online provider to have access to similar content.”

The world’s last remaining Blockbuster store can be found in the town of Bend, Oregon in the US.

Years after the company filed for bankruptcy, the store is still fully operational and even offers in-store movie marathon sleepovers.

Do you think High Wycombe should follow suit?

  • June 19, 2023