
Completion of projects provides affordable homes to customers

Completion of projects provides affordable homes to customers

Working together to create communities where people want to live is at the heart of what we do here at North Devon Homes.

We are continuously looking for ways to invest in our neighbourhoods. In my role as Development Manager, I work with our Regeneration and Development Team to help identify new developments and improve our current housing stock.

In our column, last year, I explained that we were working with local builders, Pearce Construction to create two new affordable homes for social rent at Beechfield Road, Fremington. This involved making efficient use of land we already owned to deliver much needed, affordable homes for our customers.

We are delighted that these brand new homes are due to complete this month, with residents already lined up and due to move in. The project also included betterment works to the adjacent property, adding additional parking which will benefit the area. This project has been another successful collaboration with Pearce Construction, who are renowned for their quality builds. Not only has this project provided two new additional affordable homes, but it has also used a local workforce which helps boost our local economy.

The project is funded by North Devon Homes and supported with capital grant funding from Homes England, and additional funding contributions from North Devon Council which have helped make the project a reality.

Another project that is due to complete in June will provide eight social rented and two shared ownership properties at Anchorwood View in Barnstaple. This is in collaboration with Chichester Homes, whom we have built a long relationship with, acquiring their affordable units on their open market developments.

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This site is completely comprised of bungalows, providing much needed one level accommodation for those with mobility and access needs. As well as providing further affordable housing for our residents, these homes incorporate modern technologies that provide warmer, more energy efficient homes for our customers. The development also provides opportunities for low cost home ownership to the local area through the shared ownership.

Both these projects demonstrate our commitment to providing high quality homes to the communities we serve, at an affordable level. All the social rented homes are at regulated levels which are more affordable than comparable homes in the privately rented sector.

This project has been possible thanks to the funding from our subsidiary company, Anchorwood Ltd. Established in 2015, Anchorwood is a property development company with a difference. As an ethical developer, the profits that are made from the market sales of its homes go directly to North Devon Homes to help fund affordable homes for our customers.

Anchorwood’s first project, Taw Wharf is a joint venture with Pearce Construction providing riverside apartments and houses in Barnstaple. Currently in its fourth phase of development, when complete it will have funded more than 100 affordable homes for local people who need them.

Our Regeneration and Development Team are continuing to work on identifying opportunities to increase and improve our housing stock to support the housing needs of our customers.

Written by Paul Scovell, Development Manager at North Devon Homes

Paul Scovell, Development Manager at North Devon Homes
Paul Scovell, Development Manager at North Devon Homes
  • June 9, 2023