
Renee Scheidt: Different beliefs should be met with mutual respect – Salisbury Post

Renee Scheidt: Different beliefs should be met with mutual respect – Salisbury Post

Renee Scheidt: Different beliefs should be met with mutual respect

Published 9:49 am Monday, June 19, 2023

By Renee Scheidt

In case you haven’t noticed, Biden declared June LGBTQI+ Pride Month. “Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and anything else they see fit to make sexual (that’s what the plus sign means) is now to be celebrated for the month of June. Salisbury held its first Gay Pride Parade in 2011. Since then, this event has become an annual Gay Pride Festival as they seek to achieve what they call Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI).

If you choose not to praise and honor those who practice such sexual methods, you may be attacked as homophobic, and transphobic, risking the wrath of the LGBTQI+ folks.

How did we get to this point? It wasn’t that long ago that none of these practices were mainstream. Even Clinton and Obama initially defined marriage in its traditional way. The speed at which we have thrown away these standards is astonishing. The Biblical teaching of traditional marriage plus homosexuality being an abomination has been reversed. Wow—what a turnaround!

For thousands of years, these sexual practices were considered deviant, classified by the DSM as a mental disorder. In 1987 they changed the definition. Now Homosexuals were out and proud.

Still, they were unsatisfied that they did not have the legal right to marry. The Supreme Court fixed that in June 2015. Now same-sex marriage is the law . This opened Pandora’s Box to different combinations of people marrying. Though not yet legally binding, we now see Sologamy (marrying one’s self), and Throuples (a union of three or more). With the wide acceptance of transgenderism, there’s more to come. The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is trying to rebrand Pedophilia as “Minor Attracted Persons.” This would make it a new sexual orientation, thus becoming a protected status. After all, if “love is love,” where do you draw the limits? The Transgender Movement wants to see the breakdown of basic biological sexes. Since a person can now identify as anyone they choose, anything goes. Our newest Supreme Court Justice can’t even define “What is a Woman?” This standard of truth has been cast aside.

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Beyond homosexuals wanting “equal rights” to marry, they now demand much more. “Bake our wedding cake or we’ll sue, use my pronouns, let Drag Queens tell us stories, let my teachers say I can be non-binary, let Queer teaching books be in our school libraries.” It’s clear their agenda went much further than equal rights.

Therefore, declaring June as LGBTQI+ Pride Month raises many questions for me. As a believer in the authority of the Bible, how can I be true to my faith and celebrate what God says is an abomination? Because I believe science affirms that there are only two genders, why would I honor those who reject their bodily autonomy? Since I agree with the traditional teaching of marriage being between one man and one woman, how can I applaud what I deem to be counterfeit marriages? I fail to see how one practices sex should be something of which to be proud.

This does not mean I hate those who practice these things. I sincerely seek to follow the command of Christ to love all people and show everyone the dignity they deserve as members of the Human Race. I recognize the right of all Americans to make their own lifestyle choices. I accept their right to live as they choose under the law. I’m thankful to live in a country where we have the freedom to do so. I know homosexuals that are kind, caring, and responsible people. I can agree to disagree without feeling ill will. It’s not a personal issue for me, but an issue of principle based on my beliefs.

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The last time I checked we are still free to believe what we want to believe. To push me to laud that which is contrary to my personal beliefs is a bridge too far. I accept the rights of the LGBTQI+ to practice their sexual techniques and methods, even though I disagree with them. Likewise, I hope they honor my right not to join the party.

Renee Scheidt lives in Salisbury

  • June 19, 2023

Renee Scheidt: Different beliefs should be met with mutual respect – Salisbury Post

Renee Scheidt: Different beliefs should be met with mutual respect – Salisbury Post

Renee Scheidt: Different beliefs should be met with mutual respect

Published 9:49 am Monday, June 19, 2023

By Renee Scheidt

In case you haven’t noticed, Biden declared June LGBTQI+ Pride Month. “Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and anything else they see fit to make sexual (that’s what the plus sign means) is now to be celebrated for the month of June. Salisbury held its first Gay Pride Parade in 2011. Since then, this event has become an annual Gay Pride Festival as they seek to achieve what they call Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI).

If you choose not to praise and honor those who practice such sexual methods, you may be attacked as homophobic, and transphobic, risking the wrath of the LGBTQI+ folks.

How did we get to this point? It wasn’t that long ago that none of these practices were mainstream. Even Clinton and Obama initially defined marriage in its traditional way. The speed at which we have thrown away these standards is astonishing. The Biblical teaching of traditional marriage plus homosexuality being an abomination has been reversed. Wow—what a turnaround!

For thousands of years, these sexual practices were considered deviant, classified by the DSM as a mental disorder. In 1987 they changed the definition. Now Homosexuals were out and proud.

Still, they were unsatisfied that they did not have the legal right to marry. The Supreme Court fixed that in June 2015. Now same-sex marriage is the law . This opened Pandora’s Box to different combinations of people marrying. Though not yet legally binding, we now see Sologamy (marrying one’s self), and Throuples (a union of three or more). With the wide acceptance of transgenderism, there’s more to come. The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is trying to rebrand Pedophilia as “Minor Attracted Persons.” This would make it a new sexual orientation, thus becoming a protected status. After all, if “love is love,” where do you draw the limits? The Transgender Movement wants to see the breakdown of basic biological sexes. Since a person can now identify as anyone they choose, anything goes. Our newest Supreme Court Justice can’t even define “What is a Woman?” This standard of truth has been cast aside.

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Beyond homosexuals wanting “equal rights” to marry, they now demand much more. “Bake our wedding cake or we’ll sue, use my pronouns, let Drag Queens tell us stories, let my teachers say I can be non-binary, let Queer teaching books be in our school libraries.” It’s clear their agenda went much further than equal rights.

Therefore, declaring June as LGBTQI+ Pride Month raises many questions for me. As a believer in the authority of the Bible, how can I be true to my faith and celebrate what God says is an abomination? Because I believe science affirms that there are only two genders, why would I honor those who reject their bodily autonomy? Since I agree with the traditional teaching of marriage being between one man and one woman, how can I applaud what I deem to be counterfeit marriages? I fail to see how one practices sex should be something of which to be proud.

This does not mean I hate those who practice these things. I sincerely seek to follow the command of Christ to love all people and show everyone the dignity they deserve as members of the Human Race. I recognize the right of all Americans to make their own lifestyle choices. I accept their right to live as they choose under the law. I’m thankful to live in a country where we have the freedom to do so. I know homosexuals that are kind, caring, and responsible people. I can agree to disagree without feeling ill will. It’s not a personal issue for me, but an issue of principle based on my beliefs.

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The last time I checked we are still free to believe what we want to believe. To push me to laud that which is contrary to my personal beliefs is a bridge too far. I accept the rights of the LGBTQI+ to practice their sexual techniques and methods, even though I disagree with them. Likewise, I hope they honor my right not to join the party.

Renee Scheidt lives in Salisbury

  • June 19, 2023