
Walk in the Woods: It’s Tree Planting Time – for everyone’s benefit

Walk in the Woods: It’s Tree Planting Time – for everyone’s benefit


TRURO, N.S. — If you are paying attention to any media these days, you are aware that planting trees is a good thing to do to help combat the impacts of climate change. Of course, there are many other actions that we can take to decrease our ecological footprint – regarding the use of energy, fossil fuels, unnecessary goods and polluting the environment in so many ways.

But planting trees is a concrete thing we can do to make an impact that increases over time – assuming the tree lives and develops a large canopy. There are many other benefits to trees – adding aesthetic and financial value to properties, cooling shade in winter, and insulating properties in the winter, wildlife habitat and a source of recreation, traffic and people calming.

Many of us can think back to trees that were special in our lives – climbing trees, support for swings, one planted for Scouts Canada or from school, a favourite youth hang-out spot, or a super large tree that created a sense of awe while hiking through the forest or while visiting a park.

We as humans, seem to be drawn to water and trees. It is in our DNA. Trees have helped us survive over generations, and we like to visit and appreciate them. If you have read books on the subject such as “The Mother Tree”, by Suzanne Simard, or “The Hidden Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben, you will be aware of the fact that trees communicate and help each other at times.

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The Town of Truro and surrounding area suffered heavy tree losses due to Hurricane Juan in 2003, and again to Fiona in September. In between, many mature trees have died or been removed, Dutch Elm Disease has taken many elms, and other trees have been cut down due to development and various other reasons.

Sadly, there is a strong chance the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer will reach Colchester County and wipe out our ash trees, as it has done in southern Ontario and Quebec. Not to be outdone, the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid is slowly spreading north-easterly from the western end of the province where it is killing entire hemlock forests. Hopefully, research will be able to provide effective solutions. We do not want to imagine beautiful Victoria Park without the majestic old-growth hemlock forest.

The bottom line is the area in which we live is in need of more tree planting. We need to increase the tree canopy cover to provide the many benefits, and also to help combat climate change and prepare for the future. Citizens can take action in many ways.

One option for Truro residents is to take advantage of the Town of Truro tree planting rebate program. Every year the Town of Truro offers cash rebates to citizens who purchase and plant trees within the Town of Truro. The intent of the program is to incentivize citizens to plant new trees to keep Town’s urban forest healthy and growing.

Under the Tree Planting Rebate Program, participants can apply for a rebate of 50 per cent of the total purchase price for up to 10 trees per property, to a maximum of $50 per tree. Labour costs to have trees planted are not eligible for the rebate.

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To qualify for the rebate:

• trees must have been purchased from a commercial retailer,

• trees must be appropriate for our plant hardiness zone (Canadian Zone 5 or hardier), and

• a copy of the original sales receipt must be provided.

The program runs annually between May and September, or until available program funding has been disbursed, whichever comes first.

To apply, participants must contact the Town of Truro after the trees have been purchased and planted. A site visit will be arranged to view the trees planted at the identified property.

After the site visit, a rebate application and rebate cheque will be completed and processed.

To apply for the rebate, go to the Town of Truro website, or call 902-895-4243.

Forest Fact:

Besides the increased number of wildfires causing damage and havoc with some residents forced to evacuate and homes lost to fire, the number of Lyme Disease occurrences is increasing in both people and dogs. Be extra careful these days.

Don Cameron is a registered professional forester

  • June 4, 2023