
Why Should Humans Have All The Fun? Buffaloes’ Pool Party Costs Rs 25 Lakh

Why Should Humans Have All The Fun? Buffaloes’ Pool Party Costs Rs 25 Lakh

An old video featuring a herd of escaped buffaloes wreaking havoc on a couple’s newly built swimming pool has gone viral. The amusing yet costly incident unfolded in Essex, England. There, 18 buffaloes managed to break free from a nearby farm and decided to take an unexpected morning dip. According to BBC reports, the CCTV footage captured the comical moment when the hefty animals unintentionally fell through the pool cover, causing extensive damage amounting to a staggering £25,000 (equivalent to Rs 25,00,000). The unsuspecting couple, Andy and Lynette Smith, who are now retired, recounted the unexpected turn of events.

As the buffaloes frolicked in the water, eight of them lost their footing and plunged into the £70,000 pool (approx Rs 71 lakh), triggering a chaotic stampede that resulted in ruined fencing and damaged flower beds. The Smiths, understandably shocked by the unusual situation, expressed their relief that no harm befell the animals. The video of the incident was posted online alongside a tweet that read, “It’s hot but it’s not that hot! Moment herd of escaped water buffalo stampede through couple’s garden and take a dip in their swimming pool – causing £25,000 in damage to their Colchester Essex home.”

Watch the video:

The event took place in July last year. Fortunately for the couple, they have successfully won compensation for the incident. An NFU Mutual spokesperson confirmed that the claim had been settled and promptly paid, acknowledging the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the water buffalo intrusion.

Talking to the Guardian, Andy said, “When my wife went to make the morning tea, she glanced out of the kitchen window and saw eight buffaloes in the pool. She called 999 and was told the fire brigade doesn’t accept hoax calls. It took some persuading to get them to take us seriously.”

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The couple also remarked that they had hosted a pool party for their young grandchildren just a day before. Had the incident occurred then, it would have had pretty serious repercussions.

While the incident may have left the couple with a significant repair bill, the peculiar event has certainly provided a source of entertainment for viewers worldwide.

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first published: May 24, 2023, 15:29 IST

last updated: May 24, 2023, 15:29 IST

  • May 24, 2023