
West Lothian dog groomer allowed to keep garden cabin after neighbour support

West Lothian dog groomer allowed to keep garden cabin after neighbour support

A dog groomer who had faced having to tear down the cabin she built in her back garden to house the business has been told she can keep it after neighbours rallied to support her.

Julie Buchanan paid a builder to put up the cabin in the back garden of her home in Bedlormie Drive, Blackridge, believing it could be done without planning permission.

One neighbour complained that the business was bringing extra traffic into the street with cars idling and driveways being blocked.

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Planners had recommended refusal, given the concerns about increased traffic and scale of the business but acknowledged that they had no objection to the cabin in the large garden of the semi-detached home.

And four other neighbours wrote to the council’s planning control committee in support of Ms Buchanan and her business.

Applying for retrospective planning permission Ms Buchanan told a meeting of the Development Management Committee she had been left £10,000 out of pocket.

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  • June 14, 2023